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An object is similar to an entity, but there can be only one instance of an object:

Objects have the following characteristics:

  • Rell objects exist as unique instances, acting as global singletons.
  • Like entities, objects are stored in the database.
  • Objects get initialized automatically during blockchain initialization.
  • Objects cannot be directly created or deleted from code.
  • Object attributes require default values.
object event_stats {
mutable event_count: integer = 0;
mutable last_event: text = 'n/a';

Accessing and modifying objects

Reading attributes

Employ query statements to retrieve object attribute values.

query get_event_count() = event_stats.event_count;

Updating attributes

Utilize update operations to modify object attributes.

operation process_event(event: text) {
update event_stats ( event_count += 1, last_event = event );