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Enumeration types, or enums, creates maintainable sets of constants in Rell, enhancing code readability and preventing errors.

enum account_type {

entity account {
key id: byte_array;
mutable account_type;
mutable args: byte_array;

Enum declaration

Declaring an enum involves defining a named collection of related constants. In Rell, each constant is associated with a unique integer value based on its position within the enum. Here's an example of an enum declaration for different currency types:

enum currency {

In this case, currency is an enum containing the constants USD, EUR, and GBP.

Enum usage

Once an enum is declared, its constants can be used to represent distinct values within your program. For instance:

var c: currency;
c = currency.USD;

This snippet demonstrates assigning the currency.USD constant to a variable c.

enum value properties:

  • .name: text - the name of the enum value.
  • .value: integer - the numeric value (index) associated with the enum value.

Functions available for all enum types:

T.values(): list<T>Returns all values of the enum in the order of declaration.
T.value(text): TFinds a value by name, gives an exception if not found.
T.value(integer): TFinds a value by index, gives an exception if not found.
val cs: list<currency> = currency.values() // Returns all values (in the order in which they are declared)

val eur = currency.value('EUR') // Finds enum value by name
val gbp = currency.value(2) // Finds enum value by index

val usd_str: text = // Returns 'USD'
val usd_value: integer = currency.USD.value // Returns 0.
  • currency.values(): Retrieves all enum values as a list, maintaining their order of declaration.
  • currency.value('EUR'): Finds the enum value corresponding to the provided name (e.g., 'EUR').
  • currency.value(2): Retrieves the enum value based on its index (e.g., the third value, GBP).
  • Returns the name of the enum constant (e.g., 'USD').
  • currency.USD.value: Returns the integer value associated with the enum constant (e.g., 0 for USD).