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Namespaces provide essential structure and clarity to your Rell projects, allowing for better organization and modularization of code.

Namespaces have the following characteristics:

  • Simplified referencing: Within a namespace, you can use identifiers directly without specifying the full name. For example, use country instead of when inside the foo namespace.
  • Qualified table names: Tables for entities and objects defined in a namespace include the full namespace path in their names. For instance, the table for entity foo.user is named
  • Multiple definitions: You can define a namespace with the same name multiple times, each with different inner definitions, allowing for distributed declarations across files.
Basic namespace usage
namespace foo {
entity user {

struct point {
x: integer;
y: integer;

enum country {

query get_users_by_country(c: = foo.user @* { .country == c };

Anonymous namespaces

Anonymous namespaces allow for focused organization or applying annotations to a group of definitions without creating a named namespace.

namespace {
// some definitions

You can use it to apply an annotation to a set of definitions:

namespace {
entity user {}
entity company {}

Nested namespaces

Create hierarchical structures using nested namespaces for fine-grained organization. You can use nested namespaces for complex projects with multiple layers of organization.

Short notation:
namespace x.y.z {
function f() = 123;
Equivalent expanded notation:
namespace x {
namespace y {
namespace z {
function f() = 123;

Splitting namespaces across files

For improved modularity, you can distribute namespace members across multiple files within a module. When splitting namespaces across files, ensure consistent naming and organization.

// lib/a.rell
namespace ns {
function f(): integer = 123;

// lib/b.rell
namespace ns {
function g(): integer = 456;

// main.rell
import .lib;

function main() {
print(lib.ns.f()); // Outputs: 123
print(lib.ns.g()); // Outputs: 456