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Usage: pmc blockchain [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Interactions with blockchains

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │
╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ add Propose a new blockchain in a specific │
│ container │
│ import Propose importing a blockchain in a specific │
│ container │
│ finish-import Propose finishing import of a blockchain │
│ import-foreign-configurations │
│ Propose importing a foreign blockchain │
│ configurations in a specific container │
│ import-foreign-blocks Propose importing a foreign blockchain blocks │
│ update Propose a new configuration to blockchain │
│ force-update Propose a new forced configuration to a │
│ blockchain. │
│ stop Propose stopping a blockchain from building │
│ blocks │
│ start Propose starting a blockchain that has │
│ previously been stopped │
│ remove Propose removal of blockchain. Command is │
│ irreversible │
│ rename Propose renaming a blockchain. │
│ replicas List blockchain replicas │
│ signers List blockchain signers │
│ list List blockchains │
│ list-delayed-configurations List delayed configuration proposals for a │
│ blockchain │
│ info Get blockchain info │
│ get-all-configurations List all blockchain configuration heights or │
│ download and save all configurations to the │
│ specified directory │
│ get-configuration Get blockchain configuration │
│ get Get blockchain configuration. Deprecated: Use │
│ get-configuration command. │
│ get-forced-configurations Get forced configurations │
│ configuration-diff Blockchain configuration diff │
│ get-proposed-blockchain-rid Get proposed blockchain rid │
│ replica Blockchain replica commands │
│ move Propose moving a blockchain to a specific │
│ container │
│ cancel-move Propose canceling the blockchain move │
│ finish-move Propose finishing the blockchain move │
│ archive Propose archiving of blockchain. Command is │
│ irreversible │
│ unarchive Propose unarchiving of blockchain. Command is │
│ irreversible │

The blockchain command (pmc blockchain) consists of sub-commands to interact with blockchains. For example, list existing blockchains, create new blockchains, and remove blockchains.

blockchain add

Usage: pmc blockchain add [OPTIONS]

Propose a new blockchain in a specific container

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -bc, --blockchain-config=PATH │
│ Configuration file of blockchain (GtvML (*.xml) or │
│ Gtv (*.gtv)) │
│* -c, --container=TEXT Name of container to run in │
│* -n, --name=TEXT Name of blockchain │
│ -q, --quiet Print only blockchain RID if succeeds │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The add command (pmc blockchain add) proposes a new blockchain in a specific container.

Example usage:

pmc blockchain add --blockchain-config ‘./config.xml’ --container <container-name> --name <blockchain-name>

blockchain import

Usage: pmc blockchain import [OPTIONS]

Propose importing a blockchain in a specific container

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* --configurations-file=PATH File to import blockchain configurations from │
│* -c, --container=TEXT Name of container to run in │
│* -n, --name=TEXT Name of blockchain │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The import command (pmc blockchain import) proposes importing a blockchain into a specific container.

blockchain finish-import

Usage: pmc blockchain finish-import [OPTIONS]

Propose finishing import of a blockchain

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* --configurations-file=PATH File to import blockchain configurations from │
│ --finish-at-height=TEXT Finish blockchain import at height (required │
│ for API version 18 and later) (deprecated) │
│* --final-height=INT Finish blockchain import at height (required │
│ for API version 33 and later) │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The finish-import command (pmc blockchain finish-import) proposes finishing the import of a blockchain.

blockchain import-foreign-configurations

Usage: pmc blockchain import-foreign-configurations [OPTIONS]

Propose importing a foreign blockchain configurations in a specific container

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -pk, --pubkey=PUBKEY Node pubkey │
│* -h, --host=TEXT Host │
│* -p, --port=INT Port │
│* -a, --api-url=TEXT api url │
│* --chain0-blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Chain0 blockchain RID │
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│* -n, --name=TEXT Name of blockchain │
│ --from-height=INT Only import configurations from and including this │
│ height (default is 0) (default: 0) │
│* --up-to-height=INT Import configurations up to and including this height│
│* -c, --container=TEXT Name of container to run in │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ --help Show this message and exit │

The import-foreign-configurations command (pmc blockchain import-foreign-configurations) proposes importing a foreign blockchain configuration into a specific container.

blockchain import-foreign-blocks

Usage: pmc blockchain import-foreign-blocks [OPTIONS]

Propose importing a foreign blockchain blocks

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│ --up-to-height=TEXT Import blocks up to and including this height │
│ (deprecated) │
│* --final-height=INT Import blocks up to and including this height │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The import-foreign-blocks command (pmc blockchain import-foreign-blocks) proposes importing foreign blockchain blocks.

blockchain update

Usage: pmc blockchain update [OPTIONS]

Propose a new configuration to blockchain

In the case of chain0 additional height argument can be specified. Height
must be > current height and > all previously approved configuration heights.
Use force flag -f to override previously added configs or to squeeze in a
configuration at a height < previously approved config heights. Change will
be applied after voting.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -bc, --blockchain-config=PATH │
│ Blockchain config to propose │
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│ -h, --height=INT │
│ -f, --force │
│ --schedule-at=VALUE Set the time (UTC) to apply this proposal. Supported │
│ formats: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm and │
│ milliseconds since 1970 (unix/epoch time) │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ --help Show this message and exit │

The update command (pmc blockchain update) proposes a new configuration for a running blockchain. You can only apply the new configurations at a block height higher than the current height and the block height specified in all previously approved configuration updates.

This can be overseen by using the force flag (-f), which overrides previously added configuration updates. Changes are applied after voting.

blockchain force-update

Usage: pmc blockchain force-update [OPTIONS]

Propose a new forced configuration to a blockchain.

WARNING!!! Only use this if absolutely necessary. Command is irreversible but
forced configs can be overwritten.

Forced configurations can only be proposed for PAUSED blockchains. Specified
height must be the current blockchain height in order that the blockchain to
be able to be RESUMED successfully. WARNING!!! Using a different height could
cause problems with replicating the blockchain. Signers lists will be updated
with the current cluster's nodes. Pending configurations for this blockchain
will be removed.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -bc, --blockchain-config=PATH │
│ Blockchain config to force │
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│* -h, --height=INT │
│ -r, --resume Automatically resume blockchain after configuration is │
│ applied │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ --help Show this message and exit │

The force-update command (pmc blockchain force-update) proposes a new forced configuration to a blockchain.

blockchain stop

Usage: pmc blockchain stop [OPTIONS]

Propose stopping a blockchain from building blocks

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The stop command (pmc blockchain stop) proposes to stop a blockchain from building blocks.

blockchain start

Usage: pmc blockchain start [OPTIONS]

Propose starting a blockchain that has previously been stopped

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The start command (pmc blockchain start) proposes to start a blockchain that has previously been stopped.

blockchain remove

Usage: pmc blockchain remove [OPTIONS]

Propose removal of blockchain. Command is irreversible

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The remove command (pmc blockchain remove) proposes the removal of a blockchain. It's important to note that this action is irreversible.

blockchain rename

Usage: pmc blockchain rename [OPTIONS]

Propose renaming a blockchain.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│* -n, --name=TEXT Name of blockchain │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The rename command (pmc blockchain rename) proposes renaming of a blockchain.

blockchain replicas

Usage: pmc blockchain replicas [OPTIONS]

List blockchain replicas

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ -ii, --includeinactive Include inactive nodes │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The replicas command (pmc blockchain replicas) lists all the blockchain replicas.

blockchain signers

Usage: pmc blockchain signers [OPTIONS]

List blockchain signers

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ -ii, --includeinactive Include inactive nodes │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The signers command (pmc blockchain signers) lists all the blockchain signers.

blockchain list

Usage: pmc blockchain list [OPTIONS]

List blockchains

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -i, --interactive Prompt for item to show details for │
│ -ii, --includeinactive Include paused/removed blockchains │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The list command (pmc blockchain list) lists all blockchains.

blockchain list-delayed-configurations

Usage: pmc blockchain list-delayed-configurations [OPTIONS]

List delayed configuration proposals for a blockchain

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ -i, --interactive Prompt for item to show details for │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The list-delayed-configurations command (pmc blockchain list-delayed-configurations) lists all delayed configuration proposals for a blockchain.

blockchain info

Usage: pmc blockchain info [OPTIONS]

Get blockchain info

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The info command (pmc blockchain info) retrieves information about a blockchain. You need to specify the blockchain RID (-brid, --blockchain-rid) to get the relevant information.

blockchain get-all-configurations

Usage: pmc blockchain get-all-configurations [OPTIONS]

List all blockchain configuration heights or download and save all
configurations to the specified directory

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│ --save=PATH Where to save configuration file(s) │
│ --overwrite Overwrite existing files │
│ --export-format Will generate a binary GTV file that can be used for │
│ chain import instead of human readable XML files │
│ --from-height=INT Fetch from height (default: 0) │
│ --to-height=INT Fetch to height │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The get-all-configurations command (pmc blockchain get-all-configurations) lists all blockchain configuration heights or downloads and saves all configurations to the specified directory.

blockchain get-configuration

Usage: pmc blockchain get-configuration [OPTIONS]

Get blockchain configuration

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│ -h, --height=INT (default: 9223372036854775807) │
│ --save=PATH where to save configuration, format will be determined by│
│ file extension: .xml or .gtv │
│ --help Show this message and exit │

The get-configuration command (pmc blockchain get-configuration) retrieves a specific blockchain configuration.

blockchain get

Usage: pmc blockchain get [OPTIONS]

Get blockchain configuration. Deprecated: Use get-configuration command.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│ -h, --height=INT (default: 9223372036854775807) │
│ --save=PATH where to save configuration, format will be determined by│
│ file extension: .xml or .gtv │
│ --help Show this message and exit │

The get command (pmc blockchain get) receives the configuration of a given blockchain. The configuration can be saved to a desired path. It's possible to get the blockchain config at a specific block height using the -h flag.

Example usage:

pmc blockchain get --brid <blockchain-rid> --height 200 --save <path-on-local-machine>

blockchain get-forced-configurations

Usage: pmc blockchain get-forced-configurations [OPTIONS]

Get forced configurations

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The get-forced-configurations command (pmc blockchain get-forced-configurations) retrieves forced configurations.

blockchain configuration-diff

Usage: pmc blockchain configuration-diff [OPTIONS]

Blockchain configuration diff

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -bc1, --blockchain-config-1=PATH │
│ Blockchain config 1 to diff │
│* -bc2, --blockchain-config-2=PATH │
│ Blockchain config 2 to diff │
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│ -h, --height=INT (default: 9223372036854775807) │
│ -ph, --previous-height=INT Configuration height to compare, use previous │
│ height by default │
│ --help Show this message and exit │

The configuration-diff command (pmc blockchain configuration-diff) retrieves record of changes between two versions of a blockchain's configuration settings.

blockchain get-proposed-blockchain-rid

Usage: pmc blockchain get-proposed-blockchain-rid [OPTIONS]

Get proposed blockchain rid

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -tx, --tx-rid=VALUE Transaction RID │
│ -q, --quiet Print only blockchain RID if succeeds │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The get-proposed-blockchain-rid command (pmc blockchain get-proposed-blockchain-rid) retrieves the proposed blockchain RID.

blockchain replica

Usage: pmc blockchain replica [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Blockchain replica commands

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │
╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ add Add replica of a blockchain. The node is verifying but not building│
│ blocks. │
│ remove Remove replica of a blockchain │
  • Use the (pmc blockchain replica add) command to add a replica to the blockchain.
Usage: pmc blockchain replica add [OPTIONS]

Add replica of a blockchain. The node is verifying but not building blocks.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│* -pk, --pubkey=PUBKEY Public key │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │
  • Use the (pmc blockchain replica remove) command to remove a blockchain replica.
Usage: pmc blockchain replica remove [OPTIONS]

Remove replica of a blockchain

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│* -pk, --pubkey=PUBKEY Public key │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

blockchain move

Usage: pmc blockchain move [OPTIONS]

Propose moving a blockchain to a specific container

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the original container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│* -dc, --destination-container=TEXT Name of container to move blockchain to │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The move command (pmc blockchain move) proposes moving a blockchain to a specific container. You need to provide the blockchain RID (-brid, --blockchain-rid) and the name of the destination container (-dc, --destination-container).

blockchain cancel move

Usage: pmc blockchain cancel-move [OPTIONS]

Propose canceling the blockchain move

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the original container belongs to.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The cancel move command (pmc blockchain cancel move) proposes cancelling the blockchain move.

blockchain finish move

Usage: pmc blockchain finish-move [OPTIONS]

Propose finishing the blockchain move

Change will be applied after voting within the deployer voter set of the
cluster that the original container belongs to.

Note: as soon as the blockchain move is finalized, it will no longer be
possible to cancel it.

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│* --final-height=INT Finish blockchain moving at height │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The finish-moving command (pmc blockchain finish move) proposes finishing the blockchain move.

blockchain archive

Usage: pmc blockchain archive [OPTIONS]

Propose archiving of blockchain. Command is irreversible

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE Blockchain RID │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The archive command (pmc blockchain archive) proposes archiving a blockchain.

blockchain unarchive

Usage: pmc blockchain unarchive [OPTIONS]

Propose unarchiving of blockchain. Command is irreversible

╭─ Configuration Properties ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ -cfg, --config=CONFIG Alternate path for client configuration file │
│ -s, --settings=SETTINGS Alternate path for project settings file │
│ --lookup-brid Ignore any 'brid' property in configuration file, │
│ always perform lookup │
│ --lookup-nodes / --no-lookup-nodes │
│ Lookup system cluster signer nodes for sending │
│ transactions to (default: yes) │
│ --network=TEXT Target network to make requests to (if chromia.yml│
│ is configured) │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│* -brid, --blockchain-rid=VALUE │
│ Blockchain RID │
│* --final-height=INT Unarchive blockchain blocks up to and including this │
│ height │
│* -dc, --destination-container=TEXT │
│ Name of container to unarchive blockchain to │
│ --description=TEXT Proposal description │
│ -h, --help Show this message and exit │

The unarchive command (pmc blockchain unarchive) proposes unarchiving a blockchain.