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Install PMC CLI

This topic contains instructions to install and update Postchain Management Console (PMC) CLI.


Before proceeding, make sure the following prerequisites are met:


You can download and install the latest PMC CLI by browsing and searching for the latest version or via a package manager.

brew tap chromia/core
brew install chromia/core/pmc


You can download and install the latest PMC CLI from here, or if you have installed the PMC CLI via a package manager, you can update it with the following:

brew update
brew upgrade chromia/core/pmc


Docker can run a standalone Linux container with the PMC CLI pre-installed. Make sure that you have set up the PostgreSQL database.

To use the published Docker images, you must first have Docker installed and configured on your host machine. Please refer to the Docker documentation on how to install Docker on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Start the Docker container with PMC CLI pre-installed

To run the latest version of the PMC CLI, use the docker run command and specify the CLI docker image name and any of the pmc commands.

Unix-based systems:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/app -w /usr/app<latest version>


docker run --rm -v "%cd%":/usr/app -w /usr/app<latest version>

See the Docker command line reference for information about updating or uninstalling the Docker image.