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Node maintenance guidelines

Regular maintenance of provider nodes helps improve network stability and security by adding new features or fixing issues. This document outlines the expectations for maintenance and the process for implementing updates.

Update process

Updates can take two forms:

  • Software updates:
    Tuesdays are typically reserved for releasing improvements and non-critical changes. When such updates are ready, they are scheduled for a Tuesday to provide a consistent time frame for providers to implement them. These updates may sometimes require providers to restart nodes or make adjustments to configurations, depending on the nature of the change. Each software update includes detailed instructions to guide providers through the process, ensuring consistency across the network.

    Urgent updates—such as those addressing security vulnerabilities—may be coordinated and communicated at any time to maintain the network's stability.

  • Proposals:
    Proposals require approval through voting. Providers are responsible for reviewing proposals, casting their votes, and offering feedback that could improve the network's overall performance. Providers can also create their own proposals, whether to introduce a new provider, adjust network settings, or propose other beneficial changes to the ecosystem.

Importance of staying updated

Providers who do not follow the instructions provided for updates may experience reduced node performance. This can negatively impact their efficiency and competitiveness as a provider, potentially resulting in slower operations or lagging behind other nodes in the network. Keeping up with updates ensures that providers maintain optimal performance and contribute to the overall stability of the network.

Communication and support

Providers are kept informed about upcoming updates and any necessary actions through their established communication channels. Additional support or specific inquiries regarding updates can be addressed through those designated channels.