Function revertCrosschainTransfer

  • Reverts a cross chain transfer that has timed out. I.e., returns the asset back to the sender account after the transfer failed to be completed before the timeout. If the transfer has reached its final destination but you want to recall it, use recallUnclaimedCrosschainTransfer


    • connection: Connection

      connection to the source chain. I.e., the chain where the account that originally sent the assets are registered.

    • authenticator: Authenticator

      authenticator that will be used when reverting the transfer. Should likely be the same authenticator which was used to initiate the transfer

    • pendingTransfer: TransferRef

      the transfer to revert. Can be acquired using getPendingCrosschainTransfers

    Returns Web3PromiEvent<void, {
        hop: Buffer;

    a promi-event that will emit once for each hop during the revert. It will resolve once the transfer is completely reverted.


    If this function is called before the transfer has timed out, the promise will be rejected