
@mount("ft4.admin.register_crosschain_asset") operation register_crosschain_asset(id: byte_array, name: text, symbol: text, decimals: integer, issuing_blockchain_rid: byte_array, icon_url: text, type: text, uniqueness_resolver: byte_array, origin_blockchain_rid: byte_array)(source)

Registers an asset coming from a different chain. This allows other chains to send this asset to accounts on this chain.

Throws if not called by an admin.

Throws if the asset cannot be registered. Common cases include:

  • the input parameters do not follow this criteria:

    • IDs are not 32 bytes long

    • strings are longer than 1024 characters

    • type is empty

    • uniqueness resolver is longer than 1024 bytes

    • decimals is not in the accepted range 0, 78 (inclusive)

  • any of the two blockchain RIDs is this chain's RID

  • icon_url is not a valid URL



the id of the asset to register


the name of the asset to register


the symbol (or ticker) of the asset to register


the amount of decimals this asset will have


the blockchain that originally created the asset to register, which is allowed to mint the asset.


an URL to an icon of the asset to register, can be an empty string in case of no icon url


the type of the asset to register, in most cases this should be set to the value of core.asset.ASSET_TYPE_FT4


a field that can contain data that allows to distinguish between different assets with the same name and symbol. In most cases, this is not needed and it can be set to x""


the blockchain we'll receive this asset from. This is not necessarily the same as issuing_blockchain_rid, but it will often be.

See also


for information on URL validation