
Represents a link between two accounts.

This module by itself does not attach any meaning to this entity, so it can be used as any developer sees fit. It is used, for example, to create lock accounts, for which more information can be found in core.assets.locking.ACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCK.

In general, it is used to relate two accounts, and allows giving a custom description of the relationship.

Custom account types allow developers to create accounts that are not managed by users. Sometimes, a user will be able to control the non-user account within certain limits, as is the case for lock accounts. Sometimes they might have no control over it, as will be the case for many types of system accounts. These accounts are useful to hold assets outside of a user's reach, in scenarios like staking, bidding in an auction, or any other scenario where the user renounces the ability to freely spend a certain amount of tokens.

If a link between the account where tokens are temporarily held and the account the tokens came from is needed, this entity will allow keeping this information on chain.

Being a generic entity, however, nothing prevents it being used to link two user accounts or two non-user accounts, or putting the user account as secondary, if that is what seems fit for the role.

See also


for an example usage of this entity


for information on custom account types


Link copied to clipboard

The primary account in this relation between two accounts. Generally, it will be a user account.

Link copied to clipboard

The secondary account in this relation between two accounts. Generally, it will be a non-user account.

Link copied to clipboard
val type: text

The type of relation being represented here. For example, "stake" or "bid"