Kotlin client
We are currently updating this documentation. While it offers a general overview, some details may be outdated. Please check back soon for the latest version.
The Kotlin client library, postchain-client, provides the capability for interacting with a blockchain from a client app written in Kotlin or Java. With this library, you can easily send transactions and retrieve queries from a Rell blockchain node.
You can access the project repository here.
Postchain-client is a Kotlin client that makes queries and transactions from an application.
You must add these package registries to use the library since they're unavailable on Maven Central. The specific The steps for adding the URL may differ depending on your chosen build tool.
For Maven, add this to your pom.xml
<name>Chromia parent GitLab Registry</name>
<name>Postchain GitLab Registry</name>
<name>Postchain Client GitLab Registry</name>
For Gradle, add this to your build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
Initializing the client
import net.postchain.client.config.PostchainClientConfig
import net.postchain.crypto.Secp256K1CryptoSystem
import net.postchain.client.core.PostchainClient
import net.postchain.client.impl.PostchainClientProviderImpl
import net.postchain.client.request.EndpointPool
import net.postchain.common.BlockchainRid
import net.postchain.common.hexStringToByteArray
import net.postchain.common.tx.TransactionStatus
import net.postchain.crypto.KeyPair
fun main() {
val cryptoSystem = Secp256K1CryptoSystem()
val bcRid: BlockchainRid = BlockchainRid.buildFromHex("...") // The blockchain RID of the chain (can be found in the logs when P.C. server starts)
val pubKey0 = "...".hexStringToByteArray() // This must be a real public key
val privKey0 = "...".hexStringToByteArray() // This must be a real private key
val keyPair0 = KeyPair(pubKey0, privKey0)
val sigMaker0 = cryptoSystem.buildSigMaker(keyPair0)
val endpointPool = EndpointPool.singleUrl("") // Running P.C. server on localhost
val psClient: PostchainClient = PostchainClientProviderImpl().createClient(
PostchainClientConfig(bcRid, endpointPool, listOf(keyPair0))
psClient.query("hello_world", GtvFactory.gtv(mapOf()))
Create a basic transaction, sign it, and send it.
val txBuilder = psClient.transactionBuilder()
txBuilder.addOperation("nop") // Operation "nop" without arguments
txBuilder.sign(sigMaker0) // Sign it
val result = txBuilder.post()
when (result.status) {
TransactionStatus.WAITING -> println("TX has been put into the TX queue of the Postchain server")
TransactionStatus.REJECTED -> println("TX most likely wrong number of args")
TransactionStatus.CONFIRMED -> println("TX has been included in a block")
TransactionStatus.UNKNOWN -> println("Investigate")
Build a transaction containing an operation with arguments, sign it, and send it.
val txBuilder = psClient.transactionBuilder()
txBuilder.addOperation("set_name", GtvFactory.gtv(name))
//addNop makes tx unique, so one can send the same operation more than one time
txBuilder.sign(sigMaker0) // Sign it
val result = txBuilder.post()
Chromia client
The Chromia client is an alternative to the Postchain client and can communicate more easily with Chromia networks. When initialized, it will look and connect to the system nodes of the network.
For Maven, add this to your pom.xml
<name>Chromia parent GitLab Registry</name>
<name>Postchain GitLab Registry</name>
<name>Postchain Client GitLab Registry</name>
For Gradle, add this to your build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
Example usage
To create a client and wait for a transaction to be anchored:
val chromiaClient = StandardChromiaClient("")